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The Highlympics: A Blazing Competition

In a land where the grass grows tall and proud,
The athletes lifted high, above the cloud.
With munchies in tow, they arrived at the scene,
Welcome to the Highlympics, where all are serene!

Our sprinter's a legend, but lost in a daze,
He forgot what lane he was in, in a haze.
Yet off he did go, with a puff and a cheer,
Tripping on clouds, with a smile ear to ear!

The long jump they claim is a thrilling affair,
But watch as they fly, or float, through the air.
With a ‘whoa dude’ twist, mid-leap they’ll proclaim,
“This is like, totally not even a game!”

Now the hurdles await, but what’s that they see?
A snack stand ahead, how could this be free?
With the grace of a sloth, oh so slow and so chill,
They nibble on nachos, it’s all quite the thrill.

The weightlifting’s next, but they prefer pressing
The weight of their eyelids, while Netflix is guessing.
They cheer for the snacks, not the plates full of weight,
As team relaxation seals their glorious fate!

And as the day ends, with the torch burning high,
They toast to the winners with a sweet, potent pie,
In the stands filled with laughter, no reason to cry,
For the Highlympics shine in a brilliant sky!

Hazy Humor is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0